

凯文	德赛凯文·德赛医学博士

家乡: 弗吉尼亚州的里士满
本科学校: 弗吉尼亚大学 
医学院: 维吉尼亚州 Commonwealth University School of Medicine
住院医师: University of 伊利诺斯州 - Chicago​​​​​​​
是什么吸引我进入心脏病学: I was driven to cardiology through various life experiences, including the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease burden in the South Asian population, 受家庭影响. Cardiology is a rapidly advancing field with changing modalities of not only identifying at-risk persons, but also treating individuals both in the acute and the long term setting. Cardiology is a rare field where one not only gets to see the patients at their most vulnerable state in the hospital but also follow up with them as an outpatient in a more stable setting.  ​​​​​​​
What do I like to do in my free time: 我是一个非常活跃的人! If I am not hiking or jogging somewhere, you will find me in the gym lifting weights! I also enjoy reading - one of my passions is reading investigative journalism and sociology/political philosophy literature. I passionate about art in its various forms including a recent developing interest in art history and a ever growing interest of writing poetry. Lastly, I try (and sometimes succeed) in making delicious vegan food.

乔斯林 	麦卡洛乔瑟琳·麦卡洛,DO

家乡: 印度班加罗尔
本科学校: 索菲亚高中
医学院: 纽约 Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine​​​​​​​
住院医师: Zucker School of Medicine Northwell Mather Internal Medicine Residency​​​​​​​
是什么吸引我进入心脏病学: Delivering high acuity care and building lifelong relationships with my patients  is what drew me to cardiology. This field of medicine has given me an opportunity to connect with my patients past the diagnosis and treatment. ​​​​​​​
What do I like to do in my free time: Swimming, gardening, cooking and spending time hiking with my two dogs Shadow and Cody.


OkorIvana Okor, DO

家乡: 拉各斯,尼日利亚
本科学校: 佐治亚南方大学
医学院: Nova Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine
住院医师: Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New orleans, LA
是什么吸引我进入心脏病学: I find that cardiology is an ever-evolving field with intriguing pathology and physiology. Learning over time about the burden of cardiovascular disease and the opportunities to make a profound clinical impact through prevention, 研究, and technological advances makes the field very exciting. I love the high acuity in cardiac critical care, and I find rewarding moments in interacting with critically ill patients and their families. 除了, I have an interest in advocating for women's heart health, cardiovascular disease prevention, 公平的医疗保健.
What do I like to do in my free time: I enjoy trying new food/restaurants, dancing, and binge-watching TV shows. Generally living the good life on vacation is also at the top of my enjoyment agenda.


家乡: 巴基斯坦的锡亚尔科特
本科学校: 拉合尔GC大学
医学院: Allama Iqbal Medical College, 拉合尔, Pakistan
住院医师: Guthrie 罗伯特·帕克医院, Sayre, PA
是什么吸引我进入心脏病学: Since medical school, my cardiology mentors impressed me the most. I always feel thrilled while studying cardiovascular disease and taking care of patients with heart disease. So I decided to become a cardiologist.
What do I like to do in my free time: In my free time, I enjoy being outdoor and exploring new places with my family and friends. I also like to follow vlogs on YouTube, current affairs, and cricket.


戈什Priyanka 戈什, DO

家乡: 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡
本科学校: 天普大学
医学院: A. T. Still University - Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
住院医师: 阿勒格尼健康网络
是什么吸引我进入心脏病学: The heart is the most important organ! Cardiac physiology and pathology has always fascinated me and had a close place in my heart (no pun intended). 我继续学习的越多, the more I appreciate how much I don't know and how much there is yet to learn. The constantly evolving field of cardiology drives me to always ask why and seek further understanding. My personal interests within the field are in interventional cardiology and advancing #WomenInCardiology!
What do I like to do in my free time: Being outside - you can find me at the beach or doing water sports in the summer, 冬天滑雪, or hiking national parks in the fall and spring. My biggest stress relievers are running and lifting weights. I also have the best niece and nephews who make life so fun!

孤独的Ahmad Naeem 孤独的,医学博士

家乡: 拉合尔
医学院: King Edward Medical University
住院医师: 罗伯特·帕克医院
是什么吸引我进入心脏病学: The fact that reduction in cardiovascular mortality leads to tangible reduction in all cause mortality. ​​​​​​​
What do I like to do in my free time: Reading, playing on my PS4, spending time with family, outdoors