Treatment and Symptom Management of Cancer

Your treatment plan is tailored specifically to you. Depending on your health, type of cancer and stage of cancer, treatment can include:

What is 肿瘤外科?

When cancer is suspected, often the first cancer specialist you will meet is a surgeon. 手术 is usually the first method used for diagnosing and treating cancer. 手术 may be performed to:

  • Prevent cancer by removing growths.
  • Determine the cancer stage and progression.
  • Remove the entire tumor (curative).
  • Remove a majority of the tumor (tumor reduction).
  • Alleviate pain or other complications (palliative surgery).
  • Reconstruct affected areas (breast reconstruction, facial).

肿瘤外科 at Guthrie

  • Board-certified specialists – Our surgical oncologists received additional specialty training in cancer surgery. Each surgical oncologist focuses his or her practice on the management of a specific cancer type. Your surgeon is part of a team of oncologists working together to provide you the best care possible.
  • 机器人手术 – Using the da Vinci robot in complex procedures allows for more precision, flexibility and control than by conventional methods. You can expect a quicker recovery and less pain and scarring. Our surgeons use robot-assisted surgery for:
    • Colorectal cancers
    • Urological cancers
    • Gynecological cancers
  • Multidisciplinary conference – Doctors and providers from across specialties meet biweekly to discuss every patient and organize the best treatment for her or him across the system.
  • Nurse navigator and social worker Cancer nurse navigators help you understand your diagnosis and guide you through the health system. Social workers provide emotional support and guide you to helpful community resources.